Friday, February 19, 2010

Logo Design The process explained

As a small business owner when you hire someone to do some work for you, it is smart that you know how that work is done. In this post we will discuss how a professional logo designer or company comes up with the idea of a logo design and how the idea gets executed. 

The first part of the Design process is the research and planning. Your logo design company will need information about your business. Providing more information to your designer improves their understanding of your business which will ultimately result into a better quality logo. 

After the research about your business and your competitors you and your logo designer need to discuss what kind of logo you want to be displayed. It is important that you convey what’s in your mind but do not ignore the advice of your designer. These people create logo designs and they know what works more than you do.

After the research and planning, your logo designer will spend time thinking and creating sketches of possible concepts and ideas. Some logo design professionals use computers to do that, others just use color pencils and show you the samples. After discussing, improvising, rejecting and a whole lot of mess you and your logo designer finally agree upon a wonderful unique concept. 

In the next phase your logo designer works on computer using vector graphics software such as Adobe Illustrator. They create the logo in illustrator and send the logo to you or their supervisor for review. After many changes you get the finalized product.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Logo Design - Concepts of Success

Marketing is not just about selling products, it is actually a process of informing the people about the products currently available in the market. Effective marketing campaigns inform consumers about the choices they have when they are going out for shopping and how they can make smart decisions by buying great products at cheaper costs. 

How this is relevant to logo design concepts? 

Well first of all we need to understand that a logo design is almost as crucial to an effective marketing campaign as the campaign itself to the business. A bad logo design could kill the entire marketing campaign. 

Secondly, we need to understand that marketing is about informing people about the choices and opportunities they have. It is about informing people about the qualities of a certain great product. An effective logo design should show the same properties. 

A good logo design concept informs the consumers about a business, its products and services in an iconic visual form. The purpose is to inform and to let people know about the values of that particular business. It is not the job of a logo design to sell products. The purpose of a logo design is to help businesses build a relationship with their clients.